How our awd traction control system works
Christini’s patented mechanical All Wheel Drive system delivers power from the motorcycle transmission to the front wheel seamlessly. Because the system is coupled to the rear wheel through the main drive chain, the rear wheel cannot slip without transferring a percentage of the power to the front. Once the front shares the power, the torque feedback through the system eliminates rear wheel overspin. Thus Traction Control Works!
The lightweight all-mechanical system works similarly to that of AWD systems found on four-wheeled vehicles. The AWD system (powering the front wheel) is driven at a slightly lower rate than the rear wheel (approximately 80%). Under optimum traction conditions, the rear wheel is actually driving faster than the front AWD system. One-way clutches within the front hub allow the front wheel to freewheel under these conditions. At this point, the AWD system is effectively passive. Though the front AWD system is turning, it is not actually transferring power to the front wheel. When the rear wheel loses traction, the drive ratio, relative to your forward speed, changes. The AWD system engages, transferring power to the front wheel until traction is re-established at the rear wheel. An added benefit of AWD is that the front wheel does not want to wash out. When a front end tucks, the wheel stalls stops turning, and begins to push. With the AWD system, as soon as the wheel begins to stall, power is delivered to the front wheel, forcing it to turn. With the front wheel under power, it is nearly impossible to wash out the front end.
See How it Works
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